LDC 4 [Science ]

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  1. Absence of Iodine in human body causes ­:-Goitre.
  2. What is the scientific name of soda water?:Carbonic acid '
  3. Pharmacology is the study of - Drugs
  4. Who discovered Flourescence ?:Sir George Stokes
  5. Who was the inventor of stainless steel? :-Brearley
  6. The v nom of the cobra acts on ­:-Central Nervous system
  7. Who first proposed the concept of Atomic number? :-Henry Moseley
  8. Which fruit is the ' ing of fruits'?:-Mango
  9. Hearing frequency of human .ear :-20 Hz to.20000 Hz .
  10. Cane Juice contains wtiich type of sugar ­:-Sucrose
  11. The protecting membrane which cover the heart­:-Pericardium
  12. The Vitamin required for clotting of blood ­:-Vitamin K
  13. Which blood group is considered as a universal recepient ? :-Group AB
  14. What is called suicidal bags? :Lysosome
  15. The balancing organ of our body ­:-Ear

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