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1. The European country which first started trade with India was :
(a) France (b) Holland
(c) Portugal (d) England

2. The science of improving crop varieties is called :
(a) Hybridisation (b) Selection
(c) Introduction (d) Plant-breeding

3. Green revelution refers to :
(a) Maintaining soil fertility (b) Use of green plants for covering
the earth (c) Development of new crop varieties (d) Growing green plants to establish which helped to overcome hunger balance of nature.

4. Inland Fisheries is referred to :
(a) Culturing fish in fresh water (b) Trapping and capturing fish
(c) Deep sea fisheries (d) Extraction of oil from fish

5. High milk yielding varieties of cows are obtained by :
(a) Super ovulation (b) Artificial insemination
(c) Use of surrogate mothers (d) All the above

6. A crocodile had just eaten a lamb when a hawk saw the crocodile, attacked it and consumed it. The hawk is in ecological terms :
(a) a producer (b) a primary consumer
(c) a secondary consumer (d) a tertiary consumer

7. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
(a) Water (b) Coal
(c) Fisheries (d) Wild life

8. Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological properties of :
(a) air (b) water
(c) soil (d) All the above

9. In a free market economy, prices are determined by the :
(a) Capitalists (b) Government
(c) Market forces (a) Producers

10. India’s National Newspaper “ The Hindu” started since :
(a) 1898 (b) 1888
(c) 1878 (d) 1868

11. Which country has longest school year in the world?
(a) Japan (b) Russia
(c) China (d) Germany

12. Puducherry is a former .................. colony.
(a) British (b) Vietnam
(c) French (d) German

13. “The True Democracy is what promotes the welfare of the society”. Who said it ?
(a) Sardar Patel (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Dadabai Naoroji (d) Gokhale

14. The consumer Rights were first enumerated in the year 1962 in :
(a) UK (b) Germany
(c) Japan (d) U.S.A

15. I.T.C means :

(a) Inter-Transitional Centre (b) Inter-Trade Centre
(c) Inter-Tropical Convergence (d) None of these

16. The coniferous forests in India occur between the height of :
(a) 2700 and 4000 mts (b) 1400 and 2000 mts
(c) 1500 and 3000 mts (d) 1330 and 2700 mts

17. The International Tourism year :
(a) 1957 (b) 1967
(c) 1977 (d) 1987

18. The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is known as :
(a) Kinetic energy (b) Static energy
(c) Potential energy (d) None of these

19. Which is oldest of all Vedas?
(a) Sama Veda (b) Atharva Veda
(c) Yagur Veda (d) Rig Veda

20. When we pluck the wire of a sitar, the waves produced in the wire are :
(a) longitudinal (b) transverse
(c) sometimes longitudinal and sometimes (d) electromagnetic transverse

The correct answers are written in bold letter. if any error occurs pls inform me as comment.
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