Current Affairs (Gereral Knowledge 7)

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Zakir HussainCover of Zakir Hussain
  1. The mascot of 35th National Games :- Hornbill (The slogan is Together in Sport)
  2. The former captain of Indian Cricket team who is an MP for Moradabad(UP) in the 15th Lok Sabha :- Asharuddin
  3. The site proposed in 2009 budget for Railway Coach Factory in Kerala :- Kanchikode
  4. The second Indian to win World Professional Billiards Title :- Pankaj Adwani
  5. The first cricketer to complete 30,000 runs in international cricket :- Sachin Thendulkar
  6. The resting place of R.Venkataraman who passed away in 2009 : - Ekata Sthal, New Delhi
  7. The women who was appointed as the project director of Agni - 5 :- Tessy Thomas (Known as the missile women of India)
  8. Lakshmi Nandan Bora who got the Saraswathi Samman 2008 is a writer in the language :- Assamese
  9. Tabla maestro who got Grammy award , which is known as Oscar in Music :- Zakir Hussain
  10. The new name of KTDC :- Kerala Hotels and Resorts Limited
  11. The first Keralite who was nominated to Lok Sabha to represent Anglo- Indian community :- Charles Diaz
  12. The amount of pension as per the Kissan Abiman Project :- Rs:300/-
  13. Who got the first Mayilamma Foundation Award :- Irom Sharmila Chanu (Manipur)
  14. Who secured the highest victory margin in the 2009 Lok Sabha election in Kerala :- M.I.Shanavas
  15. Barak Obama is the president of U.S.A : - 44
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