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- What percentage of the forest area in the world is india : 1.85%
- what percentage of the world's live stock population is in India :- 18
- What percentage of the world's mangrove vegetation is in India :- 5
- The state with the largest man grove forest area :- West-Bengal
- The union territory with the largest man grove forest area :- Andaman Nicobar
- The first National Park in India :- Corbatt National Park , Uttarakhand
- The place in India famous for wild ass :- Little Rann of Kuch,Gujarath
- What is regarded as the forerunner of Human Rights :- Magna Carta
- The king who signed Magna Carta :- John
- The place where the Magna Carta signed :- Runnymedein England (1215)
- The National Human Right Commission was brought into existence in :- 1993
- The first chairman of National Human Right Commission :- Ranganatha Misra
- The State Human Right Commission was brought into existence in :- 1998
- The first chairman of State Human Right Commission :- M.Pareeth Pillai
- Which revolution contributed the world the ideas of Liberty, Equality, Fertility :- French Revolution (1789)
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