
Highest! Biggest! Longest! Largest!

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  1. Which is the largest Parliament?
  2. Which is the Highest Mountain Range?
  3. Which is the Highest Lake?
  4. Which is the Largest Bird?
  5. Which is the Largest Land Animal?
  6. Which is the Largest man-like ape?
  7. Which is the Highest Mountain?
  8. Which is the Highest Airport in India?
  9. Which is the Highest waterfalls?
  10. Which is the Oldest National Flag?
  11. Which is the Fastest Animal?
  12. Which is the Longest Railway Platform?
  13. Which is the Largest Church?
  14. Which is the Largest Zoo?
  15. Which is the Biggest Flower?
  16. Which is the Tallest animal?
  17. Which is the Largest Continent?
  18. Which is the Largest Island?
  19. Which is the Largest Ocean?
  20. Which is the Largest Peninsula?
  21. Which is the Largest Fresh Water Lake?
  22. Which is the Largest Archipelago?
  23. Which is the Smallest Continent?
  24. Which is the Highest Plateau?
  25. Which is the Largest Saltwater Lake?
  26. Which is the Largest Desert?


  1. China
  2. Himalayas
  3. Titicaca
  4. Ostrich
  5. African Elephant
  6. Gorilla
  7. Everest
  8. Leh
  9. Angel Falls, Venezuela
  10. Denmark
  11. Cheetha
  12. Kharagpur , West Bengal
  13. Basilica of St.Peters, Vatican City
  14. Kruger National Park, South Africa
  15. Rafflesia
  16. Giraffe
  17. Asia
  18. Greenland
  19. Pacific
  20. Arabia
  21. Lake Superior
  22. Indonesia
  23. Australia
  24. Pamir, Tibet
  25. Caspian Sea
  26. Sahara, Africa

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