Reserve Conductor Exam Questions Part -2

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University Grants Commission (India)Image via Wikipedia
Which was the first railway line in Kerala?
Beypore to Tirur , 1861
University Grants Commission was established in the year……..?
India’s first satellite Aryabhatta was launched in the year……..?
April 19, 1975
In kerala ‘vayana dinam’ is observed on………..?
June 19
The first women Keralite to win Arjuna Award was ………..?
Who was the first Indian to win Gandhi Peace Prize?
Who was the first Acting President in India?
Who was the chairman of the Rajyasabha?
Vice President
Indian Constitution borrowed the idea of Concurrent List from…….?
Who is the only Keralite women to become a state Governor?
Who was the first Keralite to be nominated to Lok Sabha?
Charles Diaz
Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights in the year…………?
1978, 44th Amendment
Which article of the constitution is related with imposing President’s rule in the states?
Article 356
Which indian President declaired National Emergency in 26th june 1975?
Fakruddin Ali Ahmed
The salary of the Supreme Court Chief Justice is…….?
Rs one lakh
The only state in India has the uniform civil code is………..?
What is the tenure of American President?
4 year
The community development programme started in the year?
Who was the first to calculate the national income of India?
Dadabhai Naoroji
What is the main import item of India?
Petroleum Products
Where is the headquarters of NABARD?
Which article of the constitution deals with Budget?
Article 112
The first state to start online lotterry was………?
The financila year in India is from…………………..
April 1 to March 31

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Reserve Conductor

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