Reserve Conductor Exam Questions Part - 8

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  1. Which Indian Bank has the largest number of branches ?
  2. Who was the winner of the India Science award 2010?
  3. Where was the headquarters of the ISRO?
  4. 'Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka' is the National Anthem of _____?
  5. The venue of the Asian Games 2010 is held at ______?
  6. Which country was the last to join in the G - 8?
  7. The largest city in Pakistan is ____?
  8. Who was the founder of Pakistan?
  9. Mawtini is the Anthem of .............?
  10. Dhivehi is the official language of ............?

  1. State Bank of India
  2. C.R.Rao
  3. Bangaloru
  4. Nepal
  5. Guangzhou (China)
  6. Russia
  7. Karachi
  8. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  9. Iraq
  10. Maldives

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Reserve Conductor

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