Sources of Indian Constitution

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1. Govt. of India Act 1935: Federal System, Office of the Governor, Power of federal judiciary, Emergency
power, Public Service Commissions, Administrative details.
2. United Kingdom: Law making procedure, Rule of Law , Provisions of Single Citizenship,
Parliamentary Govt., Bicameralism, Prerogative writs, Office of the C.A.G.
3. USA:Independent Judiciary, Judicial Review, Fundamental Rights, Removal of Supreme &
High Court Judges (Impeachment), Preamble, Functions of Vice- President.
4. Canada: Federation with a str ong centre, Residuary powers with th e centre, Appointment of
State Governors by Center, Advisor y/Review of supreme court.
5. Ireland: Dir ective Principles of State Policy, Method of Presidential election, Nomination of
members of Rajya Sabha by the Pr esident.
6. Germany: Emergency Provision and Suspension of Fundamental Rights.
7. Australia: Concurrent list & Freedom of trade.
8. South Africa: Amendment procedure.
9. France : Republic
10. Russia (U.S.S.R.): Fundamental Duties (44 Amendment) & Preamble.
11. Japan: Procedures established by law.
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