Impotent Days

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National Youth Day .......................... January 12
Army Day ......................................... January 15
Panchayth Day ................................. February 19
World Book Day ............................... April 23
Red Cross Day .................................. May 8
National Technology Day ................. May 11
World Antitobacco Day .................... May 31
World Environment Day .................. June 5
World Populaton Day ....................... July 11
World Breast feeding Day ................. August 1
National sports Day .......................... August 29
Teachers Day .................................... September 5
World Ozone Day ............................. September 16
World Tourism Day .......................... September 27
Day of the Elderly ............................. October 1
World Postal Day .............................. October 9
National Postal Day .......................... October 10
U.N. Day .......................................... October 24
World AIDS Day ............................... December 1
Armed Air force Flag Day .................. December 7
World Human Rights Day ................ December 10

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Impotent Days


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