Reserve Conductor Exam Questions Part -4

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Lake Superior in winter, as seen from Duluth, ...LAKE SUPERIOR IN WINTER Image via Wikipedia
After nitrogen and oxygen, the third main constituent gas in the atmosphere is …….?
The first women to win Nobel Prize for Economics is ………?
Saros Cycle is related with ……..?
The most turbulant atmospheric phenomenon is ……………?
Who invented barometer?
 What is the period  between two tides?
12 hours and 25 minutes
The longest river in Europe is ……………….?
The largest fresh water lake in the world is …………..?
Which  water body was known as ‘Ratnakara’ in the ancient times?
The strait that separate the continents of Europe and Africa is ……………?
Gibralter Strait
Which is the most populated island  in the world?
Java (Indoneasia)
Which water body is called as ‘Herring Pond’?
Which elemant has the smallest atom?
Which is the 100th element in the Periodic Table?
Which is the common element in all the acids?
pH Scale was invented by………….?
Soren Sorenson
The chemical name of ajinomoto is ………….?
Monosodium glutamate
The acid contained in the tea is …………..?
Tanic Acid
The glass used to manufacture electic bulbes is ………..?
Flint Glass
Who is known as the ‘Father of Atom Bomb’?
Robert Oppenheimer
Pollution of which metal causes Itailtai Diseases?
Which metal is kept in wax?
The alloy of copper and tin is ……………?
The chemical name of marble is ………..?
Calcium carbonate

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Reserve Conductor

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