G.K Bites - 1

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1. The difference in time per degree longitude between any two places on globe is - 4 minutes.
2. The Bokare steel plant is located in - Bihar.
3. A naval base of USA in the Indian Ocean -Diego Garcia.
4. The Type of rainfall common in the KonkanCoast - Orographic.
5. The art of drawing maps and charts - Cartography.
6. The atmosphere gets heated mainly by - Radiationfrom the Earth.
7. An example of cash crop - Cotton
8. Congo Basin experiences - Equatorial Climate.
9. The World's continents are mainly composed of - Sial
10. Salinity of the equatorial water is less because - Heavy rainfall dilutes water.
11. Lichens and Moses are the characteristic vegetation of ¾ Tundra region.
12. Which part of India is sparsely populated in spite of good rainfall - Arunachal Pradesh
13. Kharif crop is own during - June - July
14. The tropical cyclone of South China sea is known as - Typhoon.
15. The desert of North America - Arizona
16. India receives most of the rainfall from - South - West monsoon. 
17. In which place low rainfall due to its location in a rainshadow area - Raichur.
18. Everywhere at the Equator - the latitude is zero degree.
19. The `Roaring Forties' refers to - Westerlies.
20. The rays of the sun are vertical over the Tropic of Capricorn on - December 22
21. Which non - metallic mineral produced in our country is in great demand outside - Mica
22. In India, largest deposits of Uranium are found in - Bihar.
23. The map projection which is most suitable for navigational purpose - Mercator's Projection.
24. The artificial harbour along the West Coast of India - Kandla
25. Lines of latitude and longitude are measured from - Earth's Centre.
26. Considering the nature of rocks in which petroleum is found which of the area should not
be prospected for it - Chotanagpur Plateau.
27. Which part of India receives rainfall from both South - West and North - East monsoons -Orissa.
28. Seasons occur because of the revolution of the Earth and the inclination of the Earth's axis.
29. One of the Indian States through which the Tropic of Cancer passes - Bihar
30. Lunar Eclipse occurs when - Earth comes between Sun and Moon.
31. According to the 1981 census, the sex ratio is favourable to women only in - Kerala
32. Among the various States in India, the sun rise will occur first in - Arunachal Pradesh
33. If, at a place, the sun is never far from the zenith at noon, that place must be near - the Equator.
34. If it is 4.30 p.m. at Greenwich, what is the time at 82½ eat longitude in India - 10 p.m
35. The map which is mostly used by military experts - Topographical Maps.
36. It is necessary to know both longitude and latitude of a place in order to determine its - Location
37. The core of the Earth is called - Nife
38. The high Salinity of Dead sea is due to the fact that - it is enclosed by land surface.
39. The sinking of Earth's crust between two parallel faults results in - Rift Valley.
40. The Cropassociated with retting process - Jute.
41. The main activity associated with fold mountains - Earthquake.
42. Local winds are caused due to -variable nature in heating of land and sea.
43. Tehri dam project is located in - Uttar Pradesh
44. The Indian States with two major ports - Tamilnadu
45. Arrange the following mountain ranges in order of their location from North to South - (Himalayas, Western Ghats, Aravallies, Vindhyas) - Himalayas,Aravallies, Vindhyas,Western Ghats
46. Canal System of irrigation is prevalent in Northern India because of - Level Land
47. The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is on - June 21.
48. The milky way is - A galaxy of stars.
49. Comets revolves round the sun in - Elliptical Orbits.
50. Why is cement industry found in almost all the states of India - Wide Occurrence of Limestone.

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