G.K Bites - 2
1. Age of the tree can be calculated by - Counting the no. of annual rings.
2. Relationship of plant in relation to their environment is studied under - Ecology.
3. Protection of Soil against loss is called - Soil conservation
4. Palaentology is concerned with the study of - fossils.
5. The tendency of molecules or tons to adhere to the surface of certain solids or liquids is
known as - Adsorption.
6. Respiratory roots are known as - Prenmatophores
7. Which plant has the smallest flower - Holfia
8. Which plant has the largest flower - Rafflesia.
9. Lamark's idea of use and disuse or organs, inheritance of characters was failed by -
10. Organisms who synthesize all their substances from inorgance molecules called - Antotrophic.
11. Chromosomes are concerned with - Transmission of hereditory charactor.
12. The association between ants and plant is known as - Mirmicophzley
13. The externally observable charactors of organism is said to be - Phenotype.
14. All the Chromosomes except sex chromosomes are called - Antagomes.
15. Theory of natural selection was given by - Darwin.
16. Father of genetics is - Greger Mendel.
17. Mutation theory was suggested by - De-Vries
18. The conversion of sugar solution into alcohol by yeasts is called - Fermentation.
19. Hydrophobia is caused by - Rabies Virus
20. Penicilin was invented by -Alexander Flemning.
21. Crude form of microscope was first invented by - Rober Hooke.
22. Penicilin is an - antibiotic
23. Photosynthesis is taking place in the - Chloroplants.
24. The evaporation of excess amount of water in plant is - Transpiration.
25. Acceleration of the ability to flower, by chilling treatment is known as - Vermalization.
26. It is somewhat difficult to open and close the doors during the rainy season because of -
27. Enzymes are built from - Amino acids.
28. The conversion of light energy into chemical energy takes place during the process of - Photosynthesis.
29. A process in which solvent passes from an area of lower solute consentration to an area of higher concentration is called - Osmosis
30. Complete fertilizer must contain - NPK
31. Plants that grow in soil are - Halephytu
32. Plants that grow in desert area - Xerophytu
33. Central Jute Research Institute is in -Calcutta.
34. Central Tobacco Research Institute in - Rajahmundry
35. Forest Research Institute in - Dehra Dun.
36. Fruit Research Institute in -Sabour
37. Kashmir and Kulu Valley are famous in the cultivation of - Apples.
38. Coir is a product of Coconut fruit
39. Quinine is obtained from the bark of - Cinehona
40. Pollination in plants by birds is called - Ornithophzleous
41. Horticulture is concerned with the study of - Garden plants.
42. The study of drug plants is called - Pharmacognosy
43. Pathology deals the study of - Diseases.
44. Colour of flowers and fruits due to - Chromoplants.
45. An Indian born who got the nobel prize in Medicine and Physiology - H. G. Khorana.
46. The atmospheric air is purified by plants through - Photosynthesis.
47. T x D is a variety of - Coconut
48. The botanical name of Kerala flower is - Cassia fistula.
49. `Budrol' disease in coconut is caused by - fungi
50. ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute for Semi Asid Topics) is at - Hyderabad.
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