Kerala PSC Facts About India - 05

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37. The desert region is located in the western part and north western part of the country.
38.It lies mostly in the Indian state of Rajasthan, and extends into the southern portion of Haryana and Punjab states and into northern Gujarat state
39.. In Pakistan, the desert covers eastern Sind province and the southeastern portion of Pakistan’s Punjab province.
40.The climate of India can broadly be classified as a tropical monsoon one. But, in spite of much of the northern part of India lying beyond the tropical zone, the entire country has a tropical climate marked by relatively high temperatures and dry winters. There are four seasons:
41.winter (December-February)
42.summer (March-June)
43.south-west monsoon season (June- September) monsoon season (October-November)

Population Facts
45. India is the second most populous country in the world (The five most populated countries in the world are China, India, USA, Indonesia and Brazil).
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Facts About India

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