Kerala PSC Facts About India - 06

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Status as per the Constitution
46. India is the nation with the largest written constitution in the world.
47. The Preamble of the Constitution defines India as a sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic republic.
48. President is the Head of the state in India.
49. Constitutionally his position is similar to British Monarch.
50. President is the executive head of the state as well as constitutional head of the state.
51. He is regarded as the first citizen of the country.
52. Prime minister is the head of the government or functional head of the state.
53. His position is similar to that of British prime minister.
54. The Prime minister is appointed by the president.
55. By convention, he is supported by the party or political alliance holding majority in the Lower House.
56. The Prime Minister and his council is directly responsible to the Lower House of Parliament.
57. The Executive of India includes President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers.
58.The Parliament of India has two houses, namely Lok Sabha or House of People (Lower House) and Rajya Sabha or Council of States (Upper House).
59. The Indian Legislative system closely follows the Westminster style (Britain).
60. The form of Goverment is technically designated as ‘quasi federal’, a system with strong centre and weaker states.
61. As per the provisions of the Constitution of India, the maximum number of members in Lok Sabha is 552, i.e. 530 from the States , 20 from the Union Territories and 2 from Anglo -Indian community so as to ensure representation of that community.
62. At present there are 545 members in the Lok Sabha, of which 530 represent the States and 13 represent Union Territories and 2 represent Anglo -Indian community. So, the total number of Elected Members in the Lok Sabha is 543.
63. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the maximum number of members in Rajya Sabha is 250.At present there are 245 members. 229 members represent the States and 4 represent the Union Territories. 12 Members are nominated from eminent persons in the fields of arts, science and literature.
64. So at present, the total number of members in Parliament is 790. The total elected members are 776. There are 14 nominated (12+2) members in the Parliament.
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Facts About India

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